
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Number of St. Therese of Lisieux Quotes

How often have I thought that I may owe all the graces I've received to the prayers of a person who begged them from God for me, and whom I shall know only in heaven.
Jesus does not ask for great achievements: only surrender and gratitude.
Yes, all is well when we seek only the will of Jesus.
Jesus works miracles for His dearest friends only after He has tested their faith. He let Lazarus die, even though Martha and Mary sent word that he was sick. But after the trial, what rewards! Lazarus rises from the dead.
Holiness consists simply in doing God's will, and being just what God wants us to be.
I do everything for God, and in this way I lose nothing, and I'm always well repaid for the trouble I go to for other people.
- St. Therese of Lisieux